MOE SSD Networking Session Talk, July 2016

MOE SSD Networking Session Talk, July 2016

The Managing Director of Klover Asia Pte Ltd, Dr. Justina Tan, was invited by the Ministry of Education, Singapore to give a keynote speech at the School Staff Developer (SSD) Networking Session on the 8th July 2016. The SSD is a senior personnel in the school whose role is to ensure that the training and professional development programmes are customised to the teachers’ needs while supporting the school’s goals.

In her speech titled “Taking Stock of What I Am Doing: Why Mentoring Is the Key”, Dr Tan spoke about the evolving landscape of the teaching profession in Singapore and encouraged the SSDs which numbered more than 130 at the session to examine their role in view of the changes. She also built a case as to why SSDs should consider placing mentoring as the centre of the training and professional development efforts to enhance teacher learning by using examples beyond the education realm. The speech was well-received by the SSDs as evidenced by the remarks they made at the end of it.

                        “Dr. Justina Tan’s session is really insightful. Will apply.”

                        “The sharing by Dr. Justina Tan has been insightful.”

Posted in Staff Development on Jul 18, 2016